Wednesday, February 25, 2009

No snow in Atlanta

We have had temperatures similar to many of my family members and friends around the country in Atlanta this winter. Even a 16 degree day, but no snow. What gives? I mean the horribly cold days are more manageable because of the beautiful snow (and the days off work). I don't get it.

They do ship snow in to Atlanta so that Stone Mountain can become Snow Mountain for Jan and Feb. Aren't we in a drought?

Oh well, Spring in Atlanta is amazing, so the end is near. March will bring flowers, perfect running weather and then soon baseball season begins. I can smell the hotdogs and peanuts already. I love the sun, however, I think I must have gills or webbed feet because I really do miss the water. Hopefully we will get some time away this summer at the beach.

Happy Lent to those who celebrate this season.

Monday, February 16, 2009

"Stay"cations rock!

Mrs. Fishy and I are living in the economic crisis, like the rest of world, and we needed a break from work, so we did the new hip and trendy thing to do - we vacationed at home.

Who needs the flashy hotel with uncomfortable pillows when you can have a perfect night's sleep at home? We don't have to pay for the movies either. Sure we missed the beach side view, but we did get to enjoy the view of our new flowers (that we planted) in our yard.

It has renewed our sense of wonderlust - we watch Mamma Mia, so Greece is definitely on our list. Who knows where we will go? We are waiting to see how big the tax refund actually is with all of Obama's new tax incentives. Yay Democrats!

Monday, February 2, 2009


Well, it happened. Obama made it to office and it was a great day. I am looking forward to more inspiring days, because lord knows we need them.

Wish it was snowing in Atlanta. I could really use the day off. It is just as cold, but not nearly as pretty as it could be.

Looking forward to vacation time over President's Day.