Saturday, September 29, 2007


Okay, well I could write about the crazy week I had traveling over 6,000 miles in 24 hours and watching a SF Giants games. It was a good trip and hey I officially will get my name on a book in the GTU library that due to the paper I had to use will last longer than me.

And speaking of acid free paper, I just wanted to see who else out there scrapbooks. I am working on our wedding scrapbook. It is fun to be creative and colorful. I get to that more and more in my work with the kids, but it is more like advertising. I like the release of getting lost in my work and buying all the fun accoutrements like buttons, special paper and letters. The other cool thing is journaling along the way too. I can put random quotes or memorable moments. Too bad I need a week vacation just to scrapbook. So watch out next summer when we are in Oregon for our wedding book, it will finally be done (hopefully). And you can bet our kiddos will have crazy baby books.

Little known fact about scrapbooking:
Some of the most earliest and famous scrapbookers included Thomas Jefferson and Mark Twain, now does that make it cooler or even more nerdy?

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I'm going to Washington, DC

Yay! I am so excited to see my friends Tarn and Summer next month. It will be fantastic to catch up and hang out in the happenin' town with my two fabulous friends. The last time we were together was a brief stint in Oregon at the holidays and before that the wedding in Hawaii. So much has happened it will be good to get the whole story. Too bad I have to actually do work some of the time, but hey I love the opportunity.

It seems like when it rains it pours for us seeing people. We are looking forward to the holidays coming and seeing all kinds of people.

Speaking of holidays, halloween is coming soon. What is your favorite costume that you have worn or favorite idea for a costume?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mascot Fight-Duck vs Cougar

You don't call the Oregon Ducks mighty for nothing. Check out this youtube video about my parents alma mater and their mascot. It will give you a giggle.

Monday, September 10, 2007

September already??

How is it that I have not blogged in so long...oh Thankfully the first sunday of church school has come and gone. We had almost 100 kids! We didn't have enough polaroid film or nametags. It was an unexpected blessing and now I am thankful for a day off.

Things are going well at work. The parents like me, the work is getting done and the juggler is coming on Wednesday for our big kick-off event. It is different working at such a large church. Everything is bigger.

That's pretty much been my life lately, unlike Alexis who has been traveling and doing fun things like going to our godson's birthday party and our niece's baptism. While she has been gone I have made some new friends which is good. Our circle of friends is growing bigger. I think the fall will be fun with parties and friends in our house. We are talking about a drive-in night and a game night. Bring on the fun!

Our newest hope is for a trip to Curacao for our anniversary next Fall. It is a great island south of Florida. This year we are just hoping to make it to Oregon. It's amazing how life has changed over the last 6 months and hopefully will change over the next year.

We'll keep you posted.

Little known fact for the day:

America's most popular board game is: Monopoly

F.A.O. Schwartz in 2000 sold a monopoly set for $100,000. What made it so expensive? Besides the 18K gold playing pieces, the money used in the game was real U.S. currency. The most expensive set ever sold according to guinness was $2,000,000. Talk about playing with your own money.