Sunday, April 27, 2008

Music and the house

My cousin is a musician and heck, what better place to advertise her music then on the internet. She is planning a world tour(okay, maybe wherever her car or money will take her), but you should check her out. Especially her song, I don't get you either.

Mrs. Fishylady and I spent our weekend working on the house stuff. Going from garage sales to Ikea, oh and the inspection. 3 hours later...we are finally done and unbelievable still interested in the house. So many things to in a house. How come no one ever teaches you about that?

We got lots of fun things, so look out for pictures in the coming months.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Colors of paint

What do you think of the new blog design?

Okay, so those of you who read Mrs. Fishy Lady's blog you know we have a house now. It is exciting and I will send you pictures if you want. What these pictures will show you, however, is the not so great colors on the walls. We are having fun picking out new colors. If you have any suggestions, please pass them along. We are also looking at buying NOC paint (aka organic or non-chemical paint). We have found them at Home Depot, but we are looking for other options.

Anybody else have green "home" links?

Oh, by the way, we have rooms for friends to come and stay too. And on the drive-in, Nim's island was a big hit for kids, especially for $1 a kid.

Little known green fact:

For those that need another reason to stop eating red meat, did you know that red meat creates 2.5 times the greenhouse gases to produce than chicken and fish. How much better would be if we were all vegetarian?

Sunday, April 6, 2008


My church will soon be invading the drive-in in our hometown to see Nim's Island. Hopefully it will be much better than Leatherheads. Just wait for it to come out on $1 video.