Thursday, September 25, 2008

YAY! It is almost October.

October brings fall, new shows and the playoffs of the MLB. It is a great time of year. Will write more soon. Teaching is going well and we are getting more into our running again.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Tomorrow is my first day leading my colloquy, so I am looking forward to a stimulating morning of academic discussion and preaching. I still need someone to pinch me that I get this opportunity. At first it seemed like "how I am going to do this and my other job?" and now I am feeling good. It is different though being on the other side of the desk. I have to come up with a grading scale for assignments and decide what relates to the objectives of the class. It is more pressure than I thought. These people are looking to my comments to grow as a person. Or in my friend's situation (they are grading tests that determine whether you get the job or not) someone's ability to make a living. Maybe I am overestimating my comments in class, but still it feels like a responsibility.

I will let you know how it goes.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Palin's daughter

At first glance, I thought - Wow! Palin is a serious threat to Obama, because of her similarities to Hillary. She is confident and strong, but that image crumbled. She has only been a mayor and just became governor. Both she and McCain have only talked twice and now her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. I am glad to hear that she is supporting her daughter as she faces the issues of motherhood and being a wife (she is marrying the father). It is tough whether you have resources or not. It also reinforces her pro-life viewpoint, but almost makes it her only issue. I guess you can't lose the image of her carrying a gun, so she loves to carry a gun and protects children. It's like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the body of a woman.

I pray for the next woman who gets a chance to run for office. I mean if hillary didn't win and as much as I want a woman to win I hope that McCain loses, what kind of woman will it take to become president?