Saturday, December 6, 2008


As I said a couple of entries ago, I was angry and tired. This letter from Thomas Merton. It is a letter to a young activist. It is not easy to read, but man it is good news. Stop worrying about making the world a better place and trusting that it will become a better place and focus on relationships and living life.

So my question is do I strike at work along with other GLBT folks across America to make a difference? How is that making a difference?


Do not depend on the hope of results. When you are doing the sort of work you have taken on, essentially an apostolic work, you may have to face the fact that your work will be apparently worthless and achieve no result at all, if not perhaps results opposite to what you expect. As you get used to this idea, you start more and more to concentrate not on the results but on the value, the truth of the work itself. And there, too, a great deal has to be gone through, as gradually as you struggle less and less for an idea, and more and more for specific people. The range tends to narrow down, but it gets much more real. In the end, it is the reality of personal relationships that saves everything.

You are fed up with words, and I don’t blame you. I am nauseated by them sometimes. I am also, to tell you the truth, nauseated by ideals and with causes. This sounds like heresy, but I think you will understand what I mean. It is so easy to get engrossed with ideas and slogans and myths that in the end one is left holding the bag, empty, with no trace of meaning left in it. And then the temptation is to yell louder than ever in order to make the meaning be there again by magic. Going through this kind of reaction helps you to guard against this. Your system is complaining of too much verbalizing, and it is right.

…The big results are not in your hands or mine, but they suddenly happen, and we can share in them, but there is no point in building our lives on this personal satisfaction, which may be denied us and which after all is not that important.

The next step in the process is for you to see that your even thinking about what you are doing is crucially important. You are probably striving to build yourself an identity in your work, out of your work and witness. You are using it, so to speak, to protect yourself against nothingness, annihilation. That is not the right use of your work. All the good that you will do will come, not from you but from the fact that you have allowed yourself, in the obedience of faith, to be used by God’s love. Think of this more and gradually you will be free from the need to prove yourself, and you can be more open to the power that will work through you without your knowing it.

The great thing after all is to live, not to pour out your life in the service of a myth; and we turn the best things into myths. If you can get free from the domination of causes and just serve Christ’s truth, you will be able to do more and will be less crushed by the inevitable disappointments. Because I see nothing whatever in sight but much disappointment, frustration, and confusion.

The real hope, then, is not in something we think we can do, but in God who is making something good out of it in some way we cannot see. If we can do His will, we will be helping in this process. But we will not necessarily know all about it beforehand . . .

Monday, November 24, 2008

What are you having for thanksgiving dinner?

Okay, so for the first time ever...we are making a thanksgiving dinner. Probably about the right time, just bought a house might as well use it for dinner.

We are having lots of fun food (all handmade), but it seems to be a bit starch heavy. any body have any veggie recipes for the holiday?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Time to start catching up...

I am tired and angry.

When will things ever change?

Just went to Catie Curtis concert last night and heard lots of hope and still the message of when will things change.

Check out these lyrics:

oh and look at Catie Curtis' radical - you can listen to it on her website.

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I like to dress up for Halloween and the holiday is actually on a Friday this year. I have been hearing about the all parties and fun. I am torn this year as my neighbor said that only a few kids will come by to trick or treat. Do I miss the fun of waiting for kids at the door or go and have fun with friends?

What happened to the good ol' days like when I grew up. My dad would scare kids in a costume at the door, we would have 2 bowls full of candy that would be emptied by the end of the night. All the kids in the neighborhood would hangout together and trade candy. I thought when we bought the house that this was part of the deal.

Well, I'd love to hear if anyone is dressing up or see pictures of the little people in our lives in costume.

Only 12 more days until we will have elected a new president. Can you believe it is finally here, it is time for CHANGE.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Red Sox are sad

Well, they gave it a try. I mean 7 games is doing the best you can. There is next year. On a more positive note - a Portland woman won the big prize last week. Leanne from Project Runway, who got her inspiration for her clothes from the waterfront (that I miss), won $100,000 and cover of Elle magazine and oh a new Saturn car. I found it funny that when asked the "what are you going to do now" question by the Oregonian newspaper she said, "move to NY." Man, all that inspiration lost to NY. I hope she doesn't move, but hey you gotta do what you gotta do.

Fall is finally here in GA and things are moving along for Ms. Fl and I. We have plenty of leaves to rake, miles to run and parties to attend in the next couple months. We have got to have one of our own soon. Maybe after the elections we can have a party to celebrate our new president.

Don't forget to VOTE on Nov. 4th!!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Could the Red Sox do it again?

Yes, I stayed up to watch the end of the game last night while Mrs. FL went to sleep. It was a great game and I am glad we won. Mrs. FL did not give me confidence that we could make it, so now I will be up into the wee hours of the night watching baseball.

It seems like just yesterday we were watching the 2004 series in our crappy, mold infested apartment in the Bay area and look at us now. Living in a spacious house, yet still with its own rough edges. Mrs. FL and I are still learning the joys of home repair. I spent a good hour or two under our house trying to fix our pipe for the ice maker that no longer exists (in an attempt to be more green). Yep, we got an energy star fridge and over the next couple of years it will pay for itself in utility savings...too bad that it cost us this year's energy savings to get the pipe fixed by a plumber. I am beginning to wonder why go to college when you can get paid $100's of dollars an hour to fix houses.

Needless to say, I still enjoy my TA job. It is very interesting and challenging in a way that designing a "creation relay" today was not. I enjoy working with people who are going to come to class and if not I get to say "hey, that affects your grade," not "oh we really missed you this week." Soon enough I will get the papers and I will have a new perspective on the job and yet it is great being back in the world of thoughts and ideas. I do feel good there.

Back to reading for class and wondering what if anything will change undecided voters tonight in the debates.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

YAY! It is almost October.

October brings fall, new shows and the playoffs of the MLB. It is a great time of year. Will write more soon. Teaching is going well and we are getting more into our running again.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Tomorrow is my first day leading my colloquy, so I am looking forward to a stimulating morning of academic discussion and preaching. I still need someone to pinch me that I get this opportunity. At first it seemed like "how I am going to do this and my other job?" and now I am feeling good. It is different though being on the other side of the desk. I have to come up with a grading scale for assignments and decide what relates to the objectives of the class. It is more pressure than I thought. These people are looking to my comments to grow as a person. Or in my friend's situation (they are grading tests that determine whether you get the job or not) someone's ability to make a living. Maybe I am overestimating my comments in class, but still it feels like a responsibility.

I will let you know how it goes.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Palin's daughter

At first glance, I thought - Wow! Palin is a serious threat to Obama, because of her similarities to Hillary. She is confident and strong, but that image crumbled. She has only been a mayor and just became governor. Both she and McCain have only talked twice and now her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. I am glad to hear that she is supporting her daughter as she faces the issues of motherhood and being a wife (she is marrying the father). It is tough whether you have resources or not. It also reinforces her pro-life viewpoint, but almost makes it her only issue. I guess you can't lose the image of her carrying a gun, so she loves to carry a gun and protects children. It's like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the body of a woman.

I pray for the next woman who gets a chance to run for office. I mean if hillary didn't win and as much as I want a woman to win I hope that McCain loses, what kind of woman will it take to become president?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

What's your favorite show?

In the days of "Wipeout" and "I survived a Japanese Game Show" I long for good television. I am looking forward to Chuck and Pushing Daisies, but I have found new shows.

Burn Notice is a new favorite and Mrs. FL has gotten me into Eureka. They are both on USA.

I am, of course, excited about Project Runway. The contests have been very interesting this year. Dressing drag queens, using green fabrics and I am sure there are more ahead.

Speaking of which I gotta get out and run so I can catch Heidi Klum.

What's your favorite tv show?

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Can someone explain this to me?

Tonight on the olympics for the first time BMX bike racing will be an olympic sport. Needless to say, I am not going to watch it. I am shocked that softball is getting kicked off the long list of sports and BMX is on. I mean why can't we get rid of handball and keep softball?

I really want the US Beach Volleyball ladies to win tonight. I know they are favored, but it would nice for them to keep their streak going. GO USA!

Well, the fun continues after the olympics. We just flew through Denver over the weekend and read all about the upcoming DNC there. It sounds like quite a green event - hey, they are shipping in 1,000 bicycles for the delegates to use during the week. I wonder how many will actually get used.

Enjoy the end of the olympics and get ready for the MLB playoff soon. How are the Red Sox doing by the way?

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Michael Phelps

Okay, so I didn't really know much about this 20 something before Saturday, but now I want to watch every race he is in. The little 1 minute overview of his experience at the prior olympics and his relationship with his mom drew me in on NBC last night. He is 23 and just beat his own world record in the 400 IM by 2 seconds. How is that possible?

I am usually a fan of the gymnastics but this year I am more impressed with the swimmers.

Those opening ceremonies were also amazing! I am trying to find them on youtube because we missed some.


Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Who will be the next VP?

Does anyone else think it is strange that Obama and McCain have not picked VP candidates yet? It is almost August and we will decide on a VP in a little over 3 months. I would like to know who is going to be on Obama's ticket. I get that Hillary's probably not going to be on it, but we have no idea about the person who will be the President if something happens. I think most people have decided already who they will vote for, but still it seems irresponsible.

In other news, please keep the people of TN in prayer who experience violence in their church and community this Sunday. I am amazed at how often this seems to happen today. There are also kids in MA who are not going to be able to go to college this year on loans due to banks not making loans after the catastrophe of the prime rate mortgages. I can't imagine getting to your first day and find out that you are needing $10,000. There is much to pray for in this world, especially for these future presidents and the people they choose to have around them. I hope Obama makes a good decision about his running mate. It is time for "good" change, not just change.

There is still one woman on the short list of candidates Kathleen of Kansas. Does anyone know about her? Maybe people in Germany or Israel know?

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Yes, Mrs. FL and I are still running. We are trying to up our routine to 2x a day of one run and then something else(biking, aerobics, etc). We have begun reading running magazines and getting into the whole culture of the sport. Who knew that an industry could be created around people running in their own neighborhoods? Hey, if Starbucks can put two shops in the same strip mall anything is possible to market.

As I read more and more it is clear that running is a mindset. I grew up running everyday in high school. I played sports and had practice daily. It was a task in my schedule. I don't have that mindset anymore. It is hard to get out there everyday, so the suggestion that I read was look at running as a reward. Okay, you might think that is crazy as you think about running in 90 degree heat outside. I agree. However, I have learned that the running is not really the reward. It's how I feel after I run. As I get more and more healthy, I feel better. The better I eat, the better I run. It is not about feeling good about running, it is about feeling good all the time. The reward is getting myself into a routine to keep myself healthy for the long run. I have got to work on getting myself out on the road today and when I am 75.

I am trying to look at running as a gift that I want and lose the idea that ice cream is a treat that I deserve. It is tough to break old habits, especially when I think there is a built in GPS in all the women in my family for ice cream shops. One thing I have learned though is things take time and this is just not about accomplishing it now, I gotta do it everyday.

So if you time to say a little prayer each morning for us as we try and get up early and hit the pavement, we'd appreciate it. Thanks.

what a great house!

Walking into the house it was like walking into a new house. It was really nice to get a fresh perspective on our fabulous house. We have been working hard to make the house our own and it was great to see how beautiful our "new" house looks. For those wanting pictures, we are working on getting our camera fixed. We have to send it back for repairs, so I am finally to the point of just buying a disposable one for now. It is really nice to own a house I must say. As much as it can be anxiety ridden, it feels great to know that you have a place that is yours.

I do miss the ready excuse though of making it "margarita time" whenever on the island, but I am not worried. I will find a way to live the island life here in this land locked town we call Atlanta. Thank goodness for more vacation. Oh and spending time at the spa. On our last day we got manicures and pedicures. I love having pink toenails =)

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I love being at the beach because I don't have a routine. There is no getting up at 7:30 or 8 to go to work, to come home and work on the house, to eat dinner, to watch Ugly Betty and then go to sleep. I get to decide moment to moment what I want to is strange. I am almost over this though and it has only been a few days. We go back to life in atl soon and I think tomorrow is a transitional day. We have a full day of living the privledged life - a tee time at 7:30, spa at 3 and an evening out with a special dinner. I thought at the beginning of the week that creating a routine on the island would be annoying. I am not sure though. If I had resources to live like that I don't know if it would be so bad.

Vacation has been great. Just to relax and really let go. It is a dance. Having a routine and plans, then letting it all go.

So now I am beginning to think how can Mrs. FL and I live like this when we are 50-60? How can we take our children on vacation? It seems to be the life question of your 30's - what do I need to now for later. What kind of job do I need? How much money to do I need to make? what about kids?

Okay...killing the vacation buzz. We watched The Weatherman (the movie) last night and it was a major downer. Need to go watch Wall*e or something tonight. love that cute little robot. Oh and want to watch Mama Mia.

Speaking of weathermen - little known island fact - Willard Scott lives on Captiva Island.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Too bad it will all be underwater

I love the ocean. I love the breeze. I love the smell. I love the way the world slows down. I am shopping today for a hat that I can wear, that's basically my to do list. Ahhhh vacation. It is a lovely thing. We are at a great beach house in Florida and in a 30-50 years it will probably be under water. Too bad, but maybe I will actually be able to get to the ocean quicker or see it from my house in Atlanta. One upside to global warming...

Time to get back to doing nothing.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

(New Church) Revolution

Well for those who are Presbyterians, or if you aren't, there is a new movement forming. It is called the New Church Revolution. This group is not asking for permission to be the church or be in the church, they are being the church and changing it.

They know that an overwhelming majority of those people under 35 believe that the church should be a welcoming place to ALL people, so basically the world is going to change. People can get on the bandwagon now or continue to fight the change.

Check it out: and look for the new revolution

So along this line, there was a big deal today in my church, a group of people voted 40-11 to removed G6.0106b. This is momentous. Ordination will not be limited potentially by whether or not you are in a church approved relationship, instead the other changes allow ordination to be about a person's willingness to commit to the church. While it is not perfect, it is a big deal. I love this quote from Tom Long, a professor down the street at Emory...

"The issue before the church is not whether persons of this or that sexual orientation can be ordained to ministry. They are already ordained to ministry by virtue of baptism...The real question is one of stewardship of gifts...What we are truly summoned to decide is not who among the baptized receives these spiritual gifts or who is entitled exercise them. The Holy Spirit decides that. We are summoned, rather, to receive these gifts with joy and gratitude and to be the kind of church that orders its life in such a way that these gifts are honored, exercised and nourished to the glory of God and the blessing of the world."

I want all people to have the opportunity to live in a church "that orders its life in such a way that all people's gifts are honored, exercised and nourished to the glory of God and the blessing of the world."

So let us all join the revolution and start being the church, with or without the rules.

Viva la revolution!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Okay, so I am a presbyterian who finds refuge in the episcopal church. This week I am at a conference about Christian Education for my job. Of course, being a Christian conference, there are worship experiences. For those who have not been to Episcopal worship is it full of standing and sitting, plus if you are lucky more sensory experiences like incense or dancing.

Today for our worship we had the full on episcopal service -

1st there was a 5 minute explaination about the service and several instructions on what will happen during the service that I think confused half of us.

2nd the service went in reverse for two hymns and then we got on track again as the children dressed as angels and stars processed down the aisle of the church.

We were then given bells to ring, but the directions were given 10 minutes ago so there was bell ringing the entire service.

We read the scripture and then the sermon was offered by a good speaker, she just gave a disjointed yet funny message.

Oh and I forgot about the "angel" feathers flying out of the bible during the scripture reading and the priest who said we did not greet enough people during the passing of the peace and to get up and move around. Of course, everyone just sat there and she proceeded to shake everyone's hand in the sanctuary. Episcopals are very welcoming =)

Then we sang a bunch of songs that we really didn't know, then we wedged ourselves up front and took communion. I didn't know you could really feed the 5,000 with one loaf of bread. Unlike everything else we did not get directions on this part so, of course, it was guided by the Holy Spirit.

Afterwords, we were asked to dance in the aisle (of course no one did it) and then left with the joy of Jesus in our hearts.

I have to say it is great to be stretched and yet sometimes stretching is too much for people who like tradition. There is nothing wrong with that. hey, the night before people heard the words "building a worship installation" and got up and left. I am all for tradition. I still like my tradition of presbyterism. We may not be perfect, but who really is?

Do you know what a worship installation is?

Supposedly, they are worship experiences that are created in apartments, barns, churches, etc. and people post them on the internet in Europe for people to find. They leave them up so people can come and worship there. They are themed around scripture. We did one last night around Psalm 23 and someone actually was the cool waters in the greeen pastures (they made a waterfall that ran during the experience). It was cool to hear the water flowing during the scripture reading. Okay, so if you didn't know before I am a church nerd.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Lasers and Patriotism

Okay, picture this...a monster sized rock that has three confederate army leaders carved into the side ( and that's just the beginning). Then as the sun fades these faces become illuminated by lasers and fireworks accompanied by some "God bless America" soundtrack. It was amazing.
One of the hokiest things I have every seen, but well worth the four bucks I paid to get in. The only thing better would have been beer and the show for $4. There also was a laser montage straight from the 70's of Atlanta's landmarks, sports teams and all the kids we were with exclaimed at the end "Yay! Atlanta!" How can that be bad?

There was brief interlude by Chik-Fil-A with cows playing the roles of movie stars that was followed by a moving section about being a hero. Of course, this included many, many references to our military people and their families. I left feeling like this group of people is the foundation of this country.

It was amazing how all this was okay and people actually paid to see a 10 minute commercial for the armed forces. And I will say again, it was well worth the $4.

For more info you can check out Stone Mountain's website.

On another front, I knew that is was possible that Obama could win, but now I actually have to start thinking about Hillary as a VP. I am all for a woman in the White House, I just wanted the first one to be the president, not VP. I have no idea how the rest of this election is going to go...will the democrats make it happen this year?

Little fact of the day:

Two other women, besides Hillary, are on the short list for Obama's VP. I almost want one of them to win instead of Hillary.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


My friend from high school is pregnant. I am so excited. She is the first of my close childhood friends that is pregnant. I can't wait to go buy fun little outfits and hang out with her fun little baby. Being 30 is great, but the whole friends having kids things is really exciting. I am looking forward to this part of life.

Speaking of kiddos, I am having a great time at VBS. Everything is going so smooth I can't believe it. I hope next year we can double our attendance.

So anybody excited that July 4th is coming and it is time for that lovely day weekend?

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

What a fabulous birthday it was! I got emails, phone calls and cards, then came the best part. I got a handmade special dinner. Ms. FL made me coconut shrimp, avocado and cucumber soup, rice with asparagus, tasty salmon and a fabulous lemon meringue pie - my favorite! I am excited to go hang out with friends tonight. It was a great birthday. The only challenge was some house complications. That was remedied today as we bought all the paint for our new house and it is Non-VOC. Yay! Thank you Sherwin Williams for the 30% discount.

We are looking forward to closing next week, though it is scary to be owning our own house.

Will have to post pictures of the new place soon.

Being in the 30's is great. Oh and I heard the new Indiana Jones movie was good too.

Indiana Jones tidbit:

on Wednesday, for the midnight show, they sold over 4 million in tickets.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Nia is awesome

Nia is not a new religion, however, the teacher does kind of gives us a small buddhist mediation at the end of every class.

This class is a wonderful find. It is a combo of yoga, tae kwon do, dance and aerobics that kicks your butt everytime. I feel like I am getting rewarded for dancing and playing by getting healthy without the pain. I enjoy training for the marathon, but I don't complain about going to Nia. If you have a YMCA check it out.

We did tai kwon do with one of our friends in seminary. One of the great things about that was feeling empowered, so if you need that and to dance like a butterfly this is it.

If you can't find this check out: interplay - This is like therapy, but cheaper and more fun. You dance through your stuff. For an academic, like me, I needed this to get out of my head.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Friends and water - things for survival

We have had one of our friends from seminary visiting this week and it has been lovely! It is so nice to hang out with people who know you and talk about life outside of Atlanta. We have more and more friends here, but it really wasn't until she came to visit that we realized how much we miss our friends. Hey and it was a great excuse to enjoy eating out at some of our favorite places.

Surprisingly, we have actually had more friends visit us here in Atlanta than in SF. How that works I don't understand. Ahh...the beautiful bay.

Only a couple more months and we will be out of this land locked city and enjoying the smell of water wafting through the air and the sound of waves crashing. Even my vacation bible school takes place in the desert. Good thing our new house has a big tub. I can pretend that is my own private lake (after the drought is over).

All that said, we are thriving in atlanta with our new house, great jobs and friends. Life is good even without a big blue ocean out my window. However, Mrs. FL is well aware that our fishy bodies will need to live by water after awhile. Maybe that's what we need in our house - a big picture of the ocean.

All you out there with bodies of water nearby send us a picture and maybe yours will end up in our house?

Little known fact:

I didn't know this, but no wonder I can do so well in atlanta...
70% of our body is water.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Kenutcky Derby

What a traumatic ending to this famous race! Less than a minute after the race was over the second place finisher was already being euthanized. It just seemed awful that this amazing creature who gave everything she had couldn't even get her medal or walk to the paddock. I guess she did die doing what she loved, but it just seemed unfair. She had one the oaks, the race the day before, and now it was over.

I think Mrs. Fishy Lady and I were the only people in our neighborhood watching, so I thought I might post about this moment so that "Eight Belles" might be remembered.

I may not be from Kentucky, but how can you not appreciate a sport where in less than 3 minutes someone can win millions of dollars. Kids in Kentucky learn valuable math skills due to the derby. It may seem silly, but you know you want to wear that bedazzled hat that you have in your closet for such a special day.

And speaking of special days, let's enjoy a margarita! Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

House Hunters makes it look easy

So if you are addicted to HGTV like Mrs. Fishy Lady and I you know what I am talking about when I say "House Hunters". It used to be one of our favorite shows, but as you know if you've bought a house before that buying a house just isn't as easy as picking house number 1, 2 or 3. It's not about whether you like the ranch style or not. The real question is can I fix all the repairs? Sure we can make the monthly payments (another trap of deception as there are many monthly payments within your monthly house payment, like PMI, taxes, etc), but you clear out another whole lot of trees and level the backyard? Sure, when we hit the lottery, but who really wants to pay rent when you can pay mortgage and (hopefully) make some money in 5-10 years?

I wish there was some class offered in college on buying a house, hey even in seminary. I know there are free-mortgage classes, but in our town those are only for folk who barely make enough money to buy a shack.

So hopefully my next post will be good news about the house, but now it seems like who wants all the headaches.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Music and the house

My cousin is a musician and heck, what better place to advertise her music then on the internet. She is planning a world tour(okay, maybe wherever her car or money will take her), but you should check her out. Especially her song, I don't get you either.

Mrs. Fishylady and I spent our weekend working on the house stuff. Going from garage sales to Ikea, oh and the inspection. 3 hours later...we are finally done and unbelievable still interested in the house. So many things to in a house. How come no one ever teaches you about that?

We got lots of fun things, so look out for pictures in the coming months.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Colors of paint

What do you think of the new blog design?

Okay, so those of you who read Mrs. Fishy Lady's blog you know we have a house now. It is exciting and I will send you pictures if you want. What these pictures will show you, however, is the not so great colors on the walls. We are having fun picking out new colors. If you have any suggestions, please pass them along. We are also looking at buying NOC paint (aka organic or non-chemical paint). We have found them at Home Depot, but we are looking for other options.

Anybody else have green "home" links?

Oh, by the way, we have rooms for friends to come and stay too. And on the drive-in, Nim's island was a big hit for kids, especially for $1 a kid.

Little known green fact:

For those that need another reason to stop eating red meat, did you know that red meat creates 2.5 times the greenhouse gases to produce than chicken and fish. How much better would be if we were all vegetarian?

Sunday, April 6, 2008


My church will soon be invading the drive-in in our hometown to see Nim's Island. Hopefully it will be much better than Leatherheads. Just wait for it to come out on $1 video.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hallelujah! Christ is Risen!

I know it's been awhile. I have been taken over by the Facebook phenomenon. It is crazy! Alexis and I ran our marathon and can't wait till our next one. Easter was really a blur. We arose at 4 am to get ready for the 6 am service at church. After a delicious brunch and another service we had tons of kids running through the garden finding easter eggs. It was adorable.

Wish I could say we had a house, but not yet. We'll keep posted. Soon the blog will be filled with Red Sox news as the season starts. We are hoping to go on vacation this summer, if only we could find some time now.

Hope all are well.

Little gem of knowledge: Easter is a moveable feast it is celebrated on the sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox and it will not be this early in the season into well into 2200. Won't probably be around for that one.