Monday, May 5, 2008

Kenutcky Derby

What a traumatic ending to this famous race! Less than a minute after the race was over the second place finisher was already being euthanized. It just seemed awful that this amazing creature who gave everything she had couldn't even get her medal or walk to the paddock. I guess she did die doing what she loved, but it just seemed unfair. She had one the oaks, the race the day before, and now it was over.

I think Mrs. Fishy Lady and I were the only people in our neighborhood watching, so I thought I might post about this moment so that "Eight Belles" might be remembered.

I may not be from Kentucky, but how can you not appreciate a sport where in less than 3 minutes someone can win millions of dollars. Kids in Kentucky learn valuable math skills due to the derby. It may seem silly, but you know you want to wear that bedazzled hat that you have in your closet for such a special day.

And speaking of special days, let's enjoy a margarita! Happy Cinco de Mayo!

1 comment:

Alexis said...

As you know, I learned how to say $2 on #4 to show in 4th grade. Not outside of my public school education, but in my public school class.